M O N D A Y 
Another week has pased and it has happened a lot. To start, this week looked pretty much like any other week with gym in the morning and then in the afternoon I did some work on my website while Stefan was at work. I have to say that I enjoy it way more to go to the gym now then before christmas, even if I'm a bit slow started in the morning some times... 😅 Now we will have to find some other time in the day when we both can go, since my german course starts in a week. I guess I have to go there more on my own in the future and I hope I will keep it up!
T U E S D A Y 
Tuesday started the same way as Monday did, with a visit at the gym. The weather has been so nice the pased one and a half week and the winter feels long gone here in Wien I have to say. Maybe the spring is here to stay? 🤔 Or? I think there will be some more cold days in March and then the spring will come for real. I like to feel the sun warm my skin again tho! 😍
W E D N E S D A Y 
The birthday kid of the day, Lena, came by Stefans place and we celebrated her with awesome food and the swedish specialty "kladdkaka" also called mudcake. Everything was so delicious and we all became so stuffed in the end... 😅😋 But it was sooooo worth it! Later on me and Stefan watched our new series (that we already finnished the 3 seasons of...🙄) that's called Colony. It's available on Netflix, so go watch it if you have not seen it!
T H U R S D A Y 
Thursday started once again with a visit at the gym and after that I went home to start packing for this weekends adventure. In the evening I had a dinner with another swedish girl in this restaurant called ULRICH and I have to say that it was very nice food there. Anyway I had never met this girl before, so it was fun to get to know someone new here in Wien. She was in the same situation as me, but two years ago. 😊 I really enjoyed to hang out with her and I hope we will meet up again and get to know each other better. After dinner I went to Stefan's place with my stuffed backpack. 
F R I D A Y 
Adventure time! We started way to early in the morning by taking the train from Wien hauptbahnhof 6.30 in the morning... 🙈 So I slept the first hour on the train and then played around with my phone for way to long. 😅 Stefan did the same and I think we took a brake and watched some series. After a 4 hour trainride we finally ended up in our goal of this journey, Innsbruck! Unfortunatly it was cloudy and rainy when we arrived, so we just started with eating lunch at a nice burgerplace and then we stroled around a bit downtown. When we were tired of the rain we took a cab to the gasthaus we were about to stay at during the weekend. After we checked in we were so tired that we spontaneously took a powernap and I think we really needed that. The sun was actually showing a bit when we woke up, so we decided to walk downtown again. So after the 30 minute walk we were in the old town again and we went up in Statturm to get a nice view over town. I have to say that Innsbruck was a town that I liked a lot so far, even if the weather was not the best... It was about to get better tho. 🙈
S A T U R D A Y 
The day I was looking forward the most to! We started early this day as well, but not as early as the day before. The breakfast at the gasthaus was cozy and after that we hurried to the bus that took us to hauptbahnhof and there we joined all the Swedish and Norwegian fans on the train to Seefeld and the Nordiche Ski-WM. 🙈😄 Yes, we were about to see the Skiathlon live! It was a cool feeling! The train was filled up with supporters from the nordic nations and I was amazed how entusiastic people were about the crosscountry skiing. I'm also one of those that always watch the swedish television  "Vinterstudion", that is showing all the FIS skiing during the winter season, and follow it activlly during the winter. I have never seen them skiing live before tho... That was something different! We arrived in Seefeld with the train and then it was all foggy and you could not see much of the surroundings. We followed the stream of people and ended up at the arena for the crosscountry skiing. I really enjoyed to be there and Stefan slowly started to get why I wanted to go there. 😁 It was a good atmospare and we grabbed some glühwien on the way out on the fanzone next to the tracks. The classic part of the track was a bit separated from the skating part, so we decided to go to both areas and now the sky was blue and the sun warmed our faces. Could it be better? 😍
The race started and the ladies was first out as usual. Allready in the first part of the race Therese Johaug from Norway started to get a gap to the outhers and the speed was very high from the start. The swedish girls was of cause there in the hunt to get closer to Johaug, but it was not theire day to 100% and they did not reach the girls from Norway. Me and Stefan took a risky way over the snow when we changed to the other part of the track for the skating. I got some snow in my booths, but we survived. 😅 After the ladies race ended and the swedish girls ended in 5th, 6th, 11th and 13th place, we decided to stay in the sun at the skating track and watch the first part of the guys race on the big screen. I got some nice photos and it was very fun to photograph some crosscountry skiing. I will of cause show you the pictures later in an other post! 😄 The guys had no luck with the medals either and I think Jens Burman ended up in 8th place as best swedish guy. Won the two gold medals did Norway and theire fans was very happy! After they also finnished we went directlly to the train and were lucky to get on the next one leaving and we got some seats! Yeeey! Both of us were very tired after beeing all day in the sun and we did get some tan as well. So the evening was not so exiting... 
S U N D A Y 
We started the last day in Innsbruck in the best possible way. We took the train up on Nordkette, one of the mountains that are surrounding Innsbruck. First part was a small train and then it changed to a big gondol that took us up to the skiing area. Last part to the very top was a smaller gondol. The view up there was just awesome! 🙈 To get to the peak you had to make a little hike and it was a bit icey on the way up, so it took us a while to get up there. I love the view of mountains and Innsbruck is totally surrounded by them. I really get why Innsbruck is a popular place to go... Walking around on the streets there and always see the mountains in the background is breathtaking. To view the town from abowe was also an experience worth remembering. It was very cold on the top tho and we did not stay there for so long, but you feel so powerfull when you stand on top of a mountain. I like the feeling! 
When we came down from Nordkette we went straight for food at a mexican taco place. We tried to get a table there the night before already, but then it was totally full. Now I get why! The buritobowl that you can see on the picture below, was so delicious! Stefan's burito was superbig and also very tasty, so I get why that place is full all the time... I was so happy that we went back there for lunch yesterday. 😋🤤 Stuffed and tired we chilled a bit at the trainstation before our train was about to leave for Wien. I just want to say thank you Stefan for an amazing weekend! I love you! 💕

T H O U G H T S 
This week I have reflected a lot about my grafic profile for my company and what I want my clients to feel when they see my pictures. This is so hard to actually put into words and write down... 🙈 I think that is something that can change over time as well, so that does not make it better or easier. But I think I'm on the right path at least and I know what I like, so that's a start. If you have any good tips about how to figure this out or just some feedback, hit me up in the comments below! Check out my website here: www.oliviahenningsson.com
T I P  O F  T H E  W E E K 
My tip of the week is a bit bigger than the privious ones... But I just have to tell you to once in your life go visit a World Championship of some kind or an Olympics or something. It's such a different feeling to see all the athleats live in action then on tv and everything around it is so much more fun. I get that everyone does not have the money to go, but have it on your bucket-list and work towards watching it live one day. It's so cool! 🙈 Even if you are not that much in to sports, there are still a lot of different kind of areas you can check out. Summer or winter! 😄