28 december 2018

My Christmas Eve


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
My christmas started already the 23rd in the little hut my grandpa rebuilt from an old henhouse. There the family gathered for the classic "Bingolotto Uppersittarkväll", which is an evening with playing bingo that became tradition in many homes here in Sweden. After a lot of christmascandy that evening we all fell asleep with a good feeling. On the morning of Christmas Eve we woke up at arond 9.00 am and took my uncle's dogs for a walk in the white landscape. I'm so happy that the little snow there was stayed on Christmas Eve and melted away first the day after. 
The dinner at my grandmas and grandpas place was served after 1.00 pm according to tradition. I do really enjoy christmas food and the simplicity of all the diches. Then, after that we always watch the traditional Kalle Anka (Donald duck) at 3.00 pm. That's also a very cozy tradition when all family are sitting in the sofa together and we eat christmas candy. 
Of cause there was some time over just bedore Kalle to make a traditional family photo shoot in front of the christmastree. My cousines were also eagered about it, especially Agnes. I curled her hair so I think she felt a bit extra festive and wanted me to take pictures of her. I really enjoy christmas when the whole family gather and spend time together. It was just my mom's sisters family that were missing this year, but it is like that when families have different traditions. I wish everyone can gather the upcoming years instead. 
In the later evening my family always drives back in to town and spend time with my dad's side of the family. That is tradition since way back and I like that I can meet everyone in the same day. We had a really nice evening with them, so I totally forgot about taking pictures... 😅 Thanks everyone for a great christmas! 
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