M O N D A Y 
This week started with a visit at the gym and then we made oatmeal for breakfast. 😋 I have really started to enjoy going to the gym and I hope I will continue to have the motivation for it. It really helps that I can go there together with Stefan. To have a training buddy makes a big differens or at least for me as I have a hard time to actually go there otherwise. 😅 
T U E S D A Y 
I spent some nights at Stefan's place so in the morning we went to the gym again. We have started with this circle training concept with some different exercises and I think it's a good way of training. 💪 Do you guys have any good training tips? How do you keep the motivation up? Sometimes it's nice to hear what outhers do to stay motivated. 
W E D N E S D A Y 
My sister had birthday and I gave her a call to catch up a little bit about how she has it in Lund, where she started to study recently. It was nice to talk to her a bit and I hope she will come visit at easter later in April. Otherwise I had a chilled day and I also started to do a short meditation almost every day to just calm down and have a moment for myself. 😇 Oh, I almost forgot that I also went to the university to do this test for a german course, but no. I had missread the information on their website, so you could only do the test the same day as the registration started, which was 11th of February (yesterday). So since Stefan joined me we went on to Café Telegraph, which is located very close to the university, to have a morning coffé. Then we went home again to have a chilled day, Stefan did some studying and I did some work on my computer. 
T H U R S D A Y 
It was gymday again! This week was definitly a step in the right direction for my training, tree times in ome week. I mean what happened!? 🤔😁 Now I just have to keep up the good work and make it a habbit to actually go to the gym. I was also waiting for a delivery of my ski clothes... Yes, I managed to forget them in Sweden when I went back to Austria again after christmas. So stupid! 😅 And of cause I was at Stefan's place when they tryed to deliver it this day. When I actually tracked the package I seriously thought they sent it back to sewden again, since they did that first time my parents tried to send them to me. But then my mom wrote the wrong adress, so of cause that was the problem then. Luckily Stefan saved me by tracking it in the austrian post and of cause I could pick it up the next day at the post office. Sometimes it's good to have someone to calm you down and to not expect the worst right away. 🙈
F R I D A Y 
So Friday morning I went home to pick up the delivery note and then I went to the post office to pick up my package. The weather was so nice this day and I had to much clothes on of cause... 😅 It was so warm! The most important was that I got my package with my ski clothes, so I was happy anyway. My friday continued with meeting up with Stefan to go for lunch at a nice reasturant in Hütteldorf, since I was meeting up with a friend of us at Schönbrunn for a photo shoot. The restaurant was called YUME and I have to say that the food was very delicious. After we filled up our stomachs we went to Schönbrunn and on the way we had a little detour to the Lind's chocolate store. That's my absolute favorite chocolate no doubt! 🤤😋😍 We had the photoshoot at Schönbrunn and in the end our friend took some pictures of us, me and Stefan. I think the pickture below is cute! 💕
S A T U R D A Y 
This was a chillday deluxe and we had a really cozy day. I took some time to write in my diary and edit the pictures from the shoot the day before. Then in the evening we got picked up by Stefan's mom in Wien and went to Wilhelmsburg. The following day we were about to go skiing! Finally! I have really missed skiing so much. 😍🙈 
S U N D A Y 
In the morning we packed the car and started to drive towards Mariazell Burgeralps for a day with skiing. It was me, Stefan, his sister, his mom and his uncle. The first runn was a bit shaky, but after some more runs I felt like I have never stopped... 🤙 Stoked deluxe! The only down side was that I had to open up my skiboots all the time to get the blood flowing in my feet. Heheh the racing boots is definitly more stiff than my other boots. I bout new giant slalom skiis last year in Bad Gastein. Check them out HERE! I also forgot how exhausting it is to ski! 😅 Over all I had a great day and it was so nice to be back on skis! 
T H O U G H T S 
This week I have been thinking a lot about skiing and how much I love to do that. Even if I'm not in the best shape for skiing right now and I was really exhausted after the day, but so what. I love to ski and I will always do that as much as I can. I want to prioritize skiing more over other stuff in the future, because I become more alive when I have snow under my feet and there is a pair of skis in between. 
T I P  O F  T H E  W E E K
My tip of the week is about doing what you love. I have as I said been thinking  a lot of this the previous week and I feel so much better when I prioritize my passions and what I feel good from. So my tip to you is to do the same! Take your time to figure out what makes you feel good and what makes you feel alive. Then you should take yourself the time to do it. There are always time to take care of yourself and the things you love to do. Create time if it feels like you don't have it right now, you will thank yourself later. Hope you guys had a good week!
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